First Aid Kits "Stocking List"
One question that we get in our courses is "What should we put in our First Aid Kits?", during any emergency a well stocked First Aid Kit can be the difference between life and death, infection control, stable spine and many more concerns. Emergencies are just that "Random", so lets compile a stocking list for you to use in case you want to make your own First Aid Kit.
"Many prepackaged First Aid Kits are stocked for ease of use with a great selection of emergency supplies, you can normally purchase them at your local Safety Supply outlet, Pharmacy or even larger Chain Mega Stores."
Where should I keep my First Aid Kit?
"Best place to keep your first aid kit is in the kitchen under the sink or even in the bathroom. As many people seek sources of water during an emergency keeping your First Aid Kit where people go is a valuable resource. It is also recommended to keep an MSDS and an Emergency Response Plan in the same place you keep your First Aid Kit."
First Aid Kit "Stocking List"
- Sterile gauze pads "dressings" in amall and large squares to place over wounds "6 each of the 2X2 and 4X4"
- Adhesive tape "Medical Tape 2 Rolls"
- Roller Gauze "2-4 Rolls"
- Triangular bandages "6 each" Good for slings and bandages.
- Adhesive Band-aids "various sizes" 12-24 each
- Scissors "EMS Grade if possible, Check Supply Sargent"
- Tweezers
- Safety Pins "X6"
- Ice Packs "X2"
- Hot Packs "X2"
- Nitrile Gloves "Not Latex" such as surgical or examination gloves
- Flashlight / Pen Light + extra batteries
- Antiseptic wipes, soap & hand sanitize
- Pencil & Pad
- Eye Patches or "4X4 gauze pad"
- Thermometer
- Pocket Masks & Barrier devices
- First Aid Manual
- Vaseline
- Ziploc Baggies 6X6 "X4"
"Spine Collars & Spine Boards are recommended in facilities with high impact machinery, equipment, tools, far distance from hospitals, veterinary outposts / training arena's"

What is an Emergency Supply kit?
"An emergency supply kit is a kit that you can put together that has supplies ready for an emergency and can fit into a backpack or duffle bag so you can easily take them with you. Speed and ability to escape are the keys to this particular kit, they are recommended for homes that are prone to natural disaster or in high conflict areas"

Emergency Supply Kit "Stocking List"
- Four liters "One gallon" of water per person per day "Sealed unbreakable containers are best, swap water every six months" A portable survival water filter" you can find the survivalists water filter at many sporting goods stores.
- Packaged, canned or freeze dried food "Replace each year or before expiration date"
- Walking shoes, rain gear & a change of clothing
- Survival Blankets or compressed sleeping bags.
- First Aid Kit with Iodine, Polysporin, antiseptic wipes
- Toilet paper, bar of soap, toothpaste / brushes body wash
- Spare Cash
- Spare set of Car Keys
- A list of Family Doctors
- Family information: Such as medical conditions, members of the family, medical devices need ie:pacemaker.
- Photocopies of all important identification for you and your family, including health card numbers
- Special items for babies, elderly, or disabled household members.
- Cellphone & contact information for family and friends
- Directions to Hospital & 2 alternate safe locations known to all family members.
- Maps of your region
- Matches & Candles in a deep can that will burn for many hours
- Plant & Animal identification guide for your region
What should I keep for First Aid in my Vehicle?
"An Emergency Car Kit is always a great idea for those who find themselves traveling or commuting to work frequently. This will help prepare your vehicle with an easily accessible kit that may assist during a sudden emergency or break down"
Emergency Car Kit "Stocking List"
- A battery-powered radio & flashlight with extra batteries or is naturally chargeable"
- Survival Blanket
- Booster "jumper" cables
- Fire extinguisher
- First Aid Kit
- Bottled water & non-perishable high-energy foods "replace the water every six months with the food"
- Maps of your region
- A shovel
- Flares & Glow Sticks
- Tire repair kit / pump
- Matches & Candles in a deep can that will burn for many hours.
These kit "Stocking lists" are a good start to keeping your family prepared for emergencies. Many of the components can be easily purchased at your local Mega Mart, Sporting Goods Center and Pharmacy. For more information on what you can do to better prepare yourself and your family contact your local First Aid and Safety Training Schools.
We never know what can happen, its always good to be prepared and have the knowledge we need to help those who need it.
“This material is for information purposes only and is taken from The Canadian Red Cross / Alberta Heart & Stroke Foundation & Alberta Health Services. This information should not be used in place of medical, Technical advice, instructor, and/or treatment. If you have questions, speak to your local Physician or Safety Training Facility.”
Just Remember:
Protect Yourself!!! Call 911!!! Don't Waste Time!!!

Author - Saving Grace Medical Academy Ltd
Jason T
Retired EMT - Heart & Stroke Foundation Senior Instructor